Our mission remains unchanged since Milan Concerns was launched
in the summer of 2002 with these goals:
1) Constructive Citizen Participation
As demands on Milan grow, we need a range of different contributions
from Milan’s varied citizens. Through citizen boards that
work with the Town Board, and through sharing information, community
events and voting—citizens can constructively shape their
town’s future.
2 ) An up-to-date and thoughtful Comprehensive Plan and
corresponding Zoning Laws
NY State is a “Home Rule” state. Towns have a lot of
authority and responsibility in shaping their future through these
tools. What kind of town do we want now and for our children?
3) Smart financial planning and management to keep Milan
affordable for everyone
State and County budget pressures continue to put more burdens on
towns. And growth puts more burdens on Town services. We need new
4 ) Enjoying the town !
Whether your at a "fork in the road" in Rock City, attending
a little league game in Lafayetteville, driving past a historic
house in Case’s Corner or quietly being at home in Jackson’s
Corners, we want to create a greater respect for and appreciation
of our entire Town!
